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About us

The Community Collaborative Council (CCC) is a project committed to the health, safety, and dignity of people incarcerated in West Virginia.They are us—our neighbors, our friends, or family members and loved ones.

Our vision

The CCC envisions a future in which West Virginia’s criminal system is used less: we want these facilities to house fewer people and create conditions that promote health, safety, and dignity of incarcerated people and of our community at large.


Our values

We believe the people closest to the problem are best suited to solve it. This project is accountable to people incarcerated in West Virginia and their loved ones.

We are tough on systems and soft on people. We invite cooperation with people working inside the criminal system in order to meet our goal of reducing harm for our community.

Our history

Founded in the fall 2023 in response to the protracted crisis in West Virginia jails, the CCC is indebted to the organizers and families connected with Florida Cares, a model organization serving people incarcerated in Florida prisons. 
