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CLR 2023.01 Conference

There is growing consensus in West Virginia that our criminal legal system fails to create the conditions necessary for rehabilitation and healing.

West Virginia’s system was designed to punish, and it does so at significant expense to taxpayers and society as a whole.​

The West Virginia Criminal Law Reform Coalition is made up of organizations and people directly impacted who are working to reduce our reliance on incarceration and law enforcement in West Virginia. We work at the community and state levels to influence and enact policy that will break the school-to-prison pipeline, end the overpolicing of communities of color, reduce pretrial incarceration, confront the criminalization of poverty, and more.

Our people join this fight for a variety of reasons. Some are brought in through their lived experience with the system. Some are called by our faith to oppose cruel systems of punishment. Some of us are concerned that our tax dollars should not be so heavily invested in a system that reduces people’s earning potential. Many see the horrible impact that this system has on children. Others see this system, which disproportionately targets Black people and other people of color, as one of the most blatant examples of systemic racism in our country. 

No matter what motivates us, we are in this fight together for a more just future in the Mountain State.

CLR 2023.01 Capitol

Stronger Together

If you or a loved one wants to work with other West Virginians to reduce the criminal legal system and its harm, register to join the CLR Coalition.

Upcoming Events

The West Virginia Listening Project: Stories for ChangePLO-REGION-MAP-2-1-1


Before the West Virginia state legislature convenes on February 12th, community advocacy groups dedicated to addressing poverty, incarceration, and overdose deaths are hosting a series of community listening sessions around the state.  Called the West Virginia Listening Project: Stories for Change, the goal of the events is to highlight the stories of those directly affected by these interconnected crises, as well as the policy solutions the legislature could consider in during the 2025 legislative session to help families living in poverty, and reduce barriers to reentry and the overdose death rate.  American Friends Service Committee is organizing this statewide initiative with support from the Hope in Action Alliance, Inc. the WV REACH Initiative, and the WV Criminal Law Reform Coalition.


Duncan Waitts
Region 1
More Information Coming Soon
Wheeling, WV

Stephanie Stout
Region 2
More Information Coming Soon
Martinsburg, WV

Dominique Kirl
Region 3
February 7, 2025
Synergy Center
715 16th Street
Parkersburg, WV 26101

Raven Berkey
Region 4
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Convention Center & Visitors Bureau of Marion County
1000 Cole St Suite A
Pleasant County, WV 26554

Jennie Hill
Region 5 
More Information Coming Soon
Charleston, WV


Amber Blankenship
Region 5
More Information Coming Soon
Logan, WV

Jeremy Bailey
Region 5
Friday, February 7, 2025
5-7 pm
Marshall University

Paula McCutcheon
Region 6
February 5, 2025
Gaines Estate
225 West Maple Ave
Fayetteville, WV 25840

JoAnna Vance
Region 6
Beckley, WV

Mary Newlyn
Virtual Listening Session
February 10, 2025, 11:00 AM - Noon

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